Attendance Services
Attendance Services
Your local community provides crucial support for your whānau, but it’s essential to make connections. If your child is reluctant to attend school, it’s crucial to understand the underlying reasons and address their concerns seriously. Have a chat with the school or consult your GP for health-related concerns.
Southern REAP’s Attendance Service supports whānau and can refer to various agencies to ensure your child’s happiness and success at school. Students may let the pressures of school affect their life. It is essential to reach out to the school or the Attendance Service for assistance.
Roles of Attendance Service Providers:
The Attendance Service will visit and provide support to both students and their whānau. These interventions can make a positive impact on the student's life. Every day matters.
Southern REAP will support schools in management of persistent unjustified absences
Locate learners that have been absent from school for a period of time without a justified reason
Receive and immediately acknowledge all referrals
Return the learner to school
Liaise as appropriate with the school, whānau, and other agencies in order to identify reasons for learner’s non-attendance
Facilitate the successful reintegration of students into their specific education provider
For enquiries about our attendance services, please contact Malcolm Dunn, our Attendance Service Manager -
Mark McCann, our Attendance Service Officer, Central and Northern Southland -
Toni-Ann McIntosh, our Attendance Service Advisor, Eastern Southland -
Jody Forbes, our Attendance Service Advisor, Northern/Western/Central Southland -