School Support
The Schools team works across all rural schools identifying needs and providing complementary and supplementary programmes to support students' learning. Professional Learning support is provided for teachers and whānau, reflective of community need.
GATE Clusters
Southern REAP coordinates three Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) clusters across rural Southland based in Central, Western, and Eastern Southland. Working alongside schools, students' needs are identified based on the gifted and talented needs of individuals and programmes are organized to cater for these. Progammes include Robotics, Art, Problem Solving, Maths, and Hands-on Science.
Support from Community Trust South enables these programmes to be offered to schools.

Teacher PLD
Southern REAP works alongside schools to provide appropriate Professional Learning based on the needs of the teachers in our rural Schools.

Tikanga Maori and Kapahaka Support
Southern REAP works alongside schools to support them with the development of kapahaka groups within schools, with many performing at the local Polyfest annually.
Hands-On Science
A hands-on science programme is offered every year where a scientist works in the classroom setting teaching science to students and supporting the teachers to confidently teach.
Parenting Support
Southern REAP is committed to supporting everyone on the parenting journey by engaging specialists to share their knowledge and experience with parenting.

Computers in Homes
Southern REAP works alongside the Ministry of Education and Red Cross to provide support for former refugees relocating to Southland. Families eligible for the programme are provided with a Chrome Book, hands-on training, and subsidized internet in the home.

Enquiries can be sent to Kate McRae, our Schools and Early Childhood Manager - kate@reap.co.nz

Robyn Irwin, our GATE Co-ordinator - robyn@reap.co.nz

Shirley Pratt, our GATE Coordinator - shirley@reap.co.nz